The setting of our stories take place in the year 2818,
the 29th Century. Of course much has happened prior to the
beginning of The New Era, and its importance to the story
is extreme. One could say that the beginning occurs in the
25th Century, around 2493. But the real start is , of course,
at the beginning of existence, time itself.

After the creation of the universe, worlds began to form,
and life was introduced into the harsh and unstable environment
we call space: the virtual nothingness of everything.
Development of life was typically slow, taking its time
and evolving to survive the species. In our galaxy, there
was a planet that formed early, near the core. Here, life
also developed early, and before the universe knew what
had happened, sentient life was roaming the planet. They
were deeply religious, and although knew themselves to
be humanoid, felt that the gods had named them the Expletuns,
or Perfect.
For thousands of years, the Expletuns grew, and prospered.
Their lifespan was long, their biology was healthy, and
their minds were powerful. They grew in technology as
well as cultured arts. Theirs was the utopia of heaven,
truly perfect.
They took to the stars and began to learn about other
cultures, other planets and civilizations. That was when
the bitter truth of humanity unfolded from their naive
grasp of life, and they now learned about death, hate,
and suffering. The bitter, cold entrapping of space now
enraged the Expletuns. Was the utopia to be destroyed?
It was by such imperfect beings.
The Expletuns then chose to teach those imperfect beings
about what it meant to have a utopia. They knew that all
cultures had some reference to a group, a person, or even
an idea who sought out pure happiness, peace, the end
to conflict, pain, and suffering. The Expletuns knew why
they searched for these things. It was because of the
imperfection; they lacked all the qualities that the Expletuns
In their prideful rage of perfection, the Expletuns tainted
themselves forever with their new imperfection: three
races that exhibited the qualities that sentient life
lacked as a whole. With the three combined, they planned
to teach sentient life that which they sought. But the
imperfection they created wasn't the three races. The
imperfection was ignorance, pride, and bloated self worth.
The three created races grew tremendously in power, more
than the Expletuns expected. Exhibiting the dark side
of the lacked qualities, they destroyed the Expletuns
utopia, and scattered the First throughout the galaxy,
even to farthest reaches of the universe. The Three Chosen
races by the Expletuns began to die off. They Warred among
themselves until only the home worlds of each remained,
their societies destroyed, almost until extinction.
The next 9 thousand years were a critical point for humanity.
With the destruction of the first space age, times of
space travel were forgotten completely, as the First Age
of Space and an utter end, life began anew once more.
The three chosen however, took the longest to rebuild.
In the times of the First Age of Space, only a handful
of sentient life existed in the battle of the stars. But
with the passing of time, it brought to pass sentient
life which gave sudden variety to the stars. Once inhabited,
conquered planets of a grand and great sentient, now in
the possession of native inhabitants. The chosen were
the slowest to regain technology, and social advancement.
Among the newer sentient life to emerge, were the Terrans
from the star Sol. Although not among the original handful,
they grew stronger than anyone imagined. Once brought
into an age of Technology, their minds ate what was fed,
and burst into space with rapid growth.
But Terra was far from peaceful. With large interplanetary
struggles, Terra erupted into massive war. The war decimated
the planet of 14 billion, leaving only less than a half
a million. Terra was destroyed; its life giving soil was
stained by blood and war, and now poisonous. They had
to leave. The inhabitants of earth left Terra in Seed
ships, to find new life, hope, and posterity. Three ships
were created, each representing the governments and people
of what was left of Terra. The people of Terra left their
beloved planet, dividing the human race more than ever.
A sleeper ship known as the Magoth, had stumbled onto
a set a planets orbiting a sun similar to Sol. The system
had two life sustaining planets, one of them inhabited,
the there still without sentient life. The Magoth landed
on Mesa Prime (It being the larger of the two habitable
planets) and began to settle into a new life. At the time,
it was unknown to the Terran's that Mesa Prime's sister
planet (orbital planets) was in habited. In fact, it was
only a few hundred years behind Terra. The meeting of
the two races was inevitable. Not wanting a war, or to
leave and rebuild their new home, Terrans immediately
made peace with the Mesans. With the goal of unity and
peace in mind, the two races formed the Galactic Alliance.
With technology again at the fingertips of the humans,
and the Mesans craftsmanship, the GA began to develop
the area of space. Finally Terrans had found Unity.
The Galactic Map may be Viewable here as a flash to reference
location and events that have occured in the USI Universe.
Cheritan is a dry planet. On the edge of the conquered
space of a Chosen race, another group of Terrans settled
and began to rebuild. The system they settled was rich
in resources, with the exception of the one planet, making
it a perfect spot to settle. With only one major water
body, they rebuilt their life with hard work, sweat and
tears. The System they claimed immediately as their own,
with no other sentient life to quarral the argument. These
Terrans too took to space again, but on a more military
basis, calling themselves the Star Command Militia. Meeting
the chosen was a given. Seeing the strength the Chosen
had, the SCM immediately called for a alliance, but their
devious ways were seen by the chosen, and rejected immediately.
Although not allies, the SCM made careful that they weren't
enemies either. The chosen they encountered were called
Metorians. Because of the political balance in the sector,
and the SCM wanting power, they soon realized they couldn't
with the Metorians in the area. Again being forced to
move, the SCM picked up, and left on seed ships. They
eventually found a relatively low political area of space,
and settled on a planet called Geridian.
A third seed ship from terra traveled the longest than
any of the other seed ships. It even belonged to an unknown
Terran faction, so little was even known about them. After
traveling through the direct center of the galaxy, crossing
through the treacherous outlands of the core, they stumbled
upon technological device which spanned several thousand
miles in its circular diameter. Caught in a sudden gravitational
field, the ship was sucked into the center of this device.
The device seemingly opened up a portal to another site,
and sent the ship though. This was the first encounter
of Expletun Technology. The other side, is a another galaxy,
approximately one third the size of the Milky Way, joined
together by two interconnected black holes. The Gateway
devices were placed on the Event horizon of each black
hole, and serves as a connection point for teh two galaxies.
The third seed ship ended up staying in the other galaxy,
hoping for a better life.
The 25th Century held the galaxy in a state discovery
of excitement. With the new powers of the Galactic Alliance
on one side of the galaxy, and the SCM on another, new
explorations were conducted now that the galaxy could
be explored instead of wandered in search of a home. However
the galaxy is a large expanse of space with much in-between.
It would be nearly another 400 years before the SCM and
GA would meet up, when nearly 45% of the galaxy would
then be charted and explored by a major power. Project
In the late 25th Century, 2493, more Preserver relics
and technology began to be discovered. New pieces of information
began to be sown together to rewrite the known history
of the universe. The Galactic Alliance had just barely
made Contact with the Metorians, and made a connection
between the Metorians and the Expletuns. The two Factions
formed a loose treaty with the purpose of Developing and
pursuing the gathering of information regarding the Expletuns
and their Technology. At this time, several Ship Transport
Network Nexus' were being discovered, and lightly used
by the GA. Although Preserver Technology which appeared
to be abandoned, it was concluded that they created the
STNN's for the purpose of Sentient life to use.
One combined effort was called 'Project Stealth'. The
GA had discovered a derelict ship that was all but destroyed.
The Metorians and the GA agreed to rebuild this ship under
the project name. Although the GA was in the Omega Tri-Sector,
and the Metorians in the Zeta, the two would use the newly
found STNN's to transfer the ship between the two governments.
The Station named Galaxia would be the GA"s center
for Preserver information Collecting, it rested on the
edge of the core's border, and the Omega Tri-Sector.
Two Officers, Marccus Vagen, Captain; Kerok Seccour,
Security, were assigned as special agents in field testing
for all Preserver based experiments. Each man was representatives
of their respective governments. The 'Project Stealth'
ship had just been rebuilt by the Metorians and was being
sent back to the GA for some primary testing near Galaxia
of its technology. A problem occurred, however during
the transport of the ship through the STNN, and the ship
was lost. It never exited the STNN. Both the Metorians
and the GA renounced the existence, and the GA shut down
Galaxia shortly there after. A bitter taste of experimental
technology was now in the GA. The logs and knowledge however
spoke otherwise against the official standpoint of ignorance
on the project.
In 2818, 300 years since the lost 'Project Stealth',
the GA was now nothing more than a bureaucracy. Forms
and regulations now ruled the once great and noble alliance.
Resources were depleting rapidly for the Alliance, and
its allies were dropping off.
A group of cadets were assigned to the StarBase "Deep
Space Alpha". It was the station responsible for
receiving the 'Project Stealth' before sending it to Galaxia,
and the STNN Guard Post. They all hated what the Galactic
Alliance had become, but there was nothing they could
do about it. Filling out forms and other bureaucratic
nonsense had become out of control; it was impossible
to do anything anymore without filling out forms first.
During a routine training mission with an old ship, the
Cadets revolted on their captain, Groft Ilnali.
Suddenly, DSA send a half garbled communiqué about
the station being under attack. With the Counselor in
charge, the ship rushed back to find the entire area in
shambles, and the STNN active, a gaping portal to what
didn't seam like to another STNN, but a different existence
All starships in the immediate area were out of commission,
and the station was on emergency power. They contacted
the station, and after finally getting through DS Alpha's
scrambled communications system, were ordered to investigate.
The crew did so, and found that something had triggered
an ancient experimental STNN to reopen involuntarily,
and that the opening had been violent, violent enough
to disable all ships in the area. The Cadets however were
inexperienced and released Captain Groft to take care
of the situation. Seeing no immediate threat, the Station
ordered that the ship tow all disabled ships back for
Their ship came across another ship of an unknown configuration,
sleek, without protruding features, even the Soliton Drive
was built efficiently into the hull of the ship. Instead
of the typical V or W Configuration (See Soliton drive
in Technology Database for Info) the ships Soliton drive
was a U. Puzzled, they prepared to tow the ship, when
suddenly it fired upon them. Using 3 hundred year old
weapons, the Cadets ship wasn't in any threat whatsoever.
But it still persisted to not allow itself to be towed.
Hailing the unknown ship the crew came face to face with
a 300 year old myth, suddenly become reality for them.
After a small but heated discussion with Kerok Seccour,
the communications line was suddenly blocked by the Station.
Marccuss Vagen, the captain had been knocked unconscious.
With the cadet crew puzzled, the sleek ship burst to life
and docked with the station. The Cadet crew immediately
finished up their task of helping the other ships, and
returned to the station to discover what had happened.
When arriving, they found that Captain Marccus Vagen had
been Transported to sickbay because of injuries and some
of the Station command were in a meeting (a very heated
meeting) with Kerok Seccour. They learned that the station
personnel even tried to take the ship by force from him,
but failed with minor injuries to the station personnel.
Kerok was unharmed. They finally decided to hear out Kerok
and his story.
Upon hearing that they were 300 years into the future,
their past was nothing but history now, Marccus and Kerok
began to piece together what had happened. Apparently
for some unknown reason, the STNN had actually kept the
ship in a stasis for the time, trapped for 300 years.
Now fully healed, Marccus Vagen took command of the 'Project
Stealth' ship again. Taking the ship back to Metoras for
political asylum, along with cadets as GA representatives,
he knew that the GA would only take advantage of the 'Project
Stealth' ship because of their situation. Although both
factions did want rights to the ship, according to interstellar
law, because they both renounced the situation and knowledge,
they gave up the right to it. Marccus Vagen took property
rights to the ship, since he and Kerok Seccour were the
only two on the ship, when it arrived in this time.
During their stay at Metoras, they were sent by the Government
(requirement for asylum) to investigate some unusual activity
concerning some disappearances of people, and increased
technological type activity from within one of Metoras'
mountains. Upon the investigation, he and his new crew
found a startling discovery: The Darkarian Hive, an ultra
powerful race of Psionic beings with the intent on ruling
this universe and the rest of the multiverse. Initial
contact with them proved to be less than comforting as
they had an enlightenment process of controlling the minds
of their victims by way of microscopic Biological probes.
Even Kerok Seccour's wife and brother had been enlightened.
However, because how few there were, the Darkarians fled
Metoras in favor of trying to build larger. Unfortunately,
Marccus Vagen and his crew were not aware of the great
power that the Darkarians had. The Darkarians fled Metoras
before any detailed information could be gathered; with
the exception that their leaders name was Talorn.
Although the ' Project Stealth' ship was claimed legally
by Marccus Vagen, both factions still took up talks with
him about the future of the ship, and her new found crew
because the 'Stealth Project' ship had been rebuilt by
the Metorians three hundred years ago out of some alien
technology found by the Galactic Alliance. This technology,
which was still mostly unknown, was now owned by Vagen
for the same reason the ship was. Most of it was locked
up on the lower decks, and Vagen decided to leave it there
for a while to be safe.
Because both the Metorians and the Galactic Alliance
wanted the technology, Vagen had to make a choice. If
no one organization claimed ownership of the ship within
1 months time, it would be considered a Mercenary ship,
which meant whoever captured it during a tactical / military
engagement, that faction would gain the ship as salvage.
After talking extensively with Kerok, Vagen and Seccour
created the Unified Space Intelligence, a new faction
in the universe. Its goal would be to help rebuild the
GA's struggling position, develop technology for the Metorians,
and provide as a front against the Darkarians. Seccour
had already sworn vengeance to reclaim his wife and brothers
loyalty to his family. The officers would be provided
by the Galactic Alliance, and the Metorians would provide
weaponry for the USI ships, along with ship designers,
builders, and resources to start up.
As USI began to prosper and add additional ships, allies
and enemies were gained. Ilnali had never been a fan of
Vagen, and on some instances had openly defied him. Unofficial
sources say he was even responsible for assassination
attempts on several USI officers. It came as no surprise
when the hot-headed Commander defected from the Galactic
Alliance and joined a group from the Delta Tri-Sector
called Star Command Militia. Nothing was heard from Groft
for some time; apparently he'd blended into the dictatorship
of SCM without any trouble.
Vagen soon had the "pleasure" of finding the
defector in command of a large SCM military force, certain
that he would continue to rise through the ranks. Ilnali
had not merely blended in; his radical tendencies made
him a perfect leader within SCM's strict dictatorship.
USI's relationship with the Galactic Alliance had, up
until this point, been vague. The Commanding officers
of the GA had initially favored the alliance because GA
profited completely from the relationship, and because
it was willing to do the dirty work that the GA had been
afraid of doing. However, USI wasn't large enough to protect
all of the GA resources, as well as maintain its own protection.
Suddenly, the relationship between USI and GA was becoming
frowned upon because the GA now viewed it as they being
the losing party, with USI having total benefit. A third
party, suspected to be the Darkarians, intervened and
promise peace and prosperity to the GA, but only if they
openly declared war against the USI. After months of debate,
and rigged terrorist attacks on the GA which the USI could
not protect, the GA agreed to the offer, despite the opposition
of many of the original treaty members.
Although the GA had openly declared war against USI,
it still grew quickly despite they had to relocate into
Metorian space. The Metorians, still eager to gain technology,
still requested that the USI gain their own space, as
a sign of their own independence. After many months, Preserver
relics were found by USI, and immediately claimed. One
such was the gigantic space station Tryst, located in
the heart of the galaxy. USI took up resident space in
the core of the galaxy. Because of the large preserver
background and technological basis that the USI now had,
they claimed all preserver based technology, and structures
are property of the USI. Important outposts such as Darklin
Reach, and Atlantis were discovered and rebuilt by USI.
The Space station Galaxia was also claimed by USI, because
of its dealings with Preserver Technology.
Since the first battles against the Expletuns, and near
destruction of their children races, the universe was
destined for power struggles. Races were bound to be destroyed,
and cultures forgotten. Realizing their own mistake, the
Expletuns decided to do right for the universe instead
of do right the universe. With all the diversity in the
universe, the Expletuns couldn't just let them die out
due to the nature of the sentient life. They dedicated
themselves then to the preservation of sentient life,
and their cultures. Leaving behind their technology the
only proof they existed, and the scattered races of almost
extinct sentient life their work. Those who had found
either, often times called them the Preservers. With the
introduction of the Darkarians, their position became
even more important as the Preservers of life.
Over time, the strength and power of the Darkarian Hive
are displayed more and more often. As battle engage, they
seam to always have the upper hand. By now, it is known
to the USI that the Darkarians are not from this universe,
and that they actually have been time traveling. Important
Technology is given to the USI by the Preservers themselves
to help prevent these changes from affecting the officers.
The Preservers confront Marccus and Kerok and challenge
them to take up the role of the Expletuns, and preserve
life, even that of their enemies from the Darkarians.
They sanctioned three roles from within USI, as special
warriors against them. Although the role will never change,
the person may differ to assume the role. They were HeXaN,
Chaos, and Phoenix. With these new powers, the USI had
a chance to defeating the Darkarians.
The Darkarians have existed in the universe since it
first was, although their influence was minimal until
25th Century, when the Galactic Alliance and other such
Faction began to grow in power. The Darkarians come from
another reality, or an alternate universe. Because of
their external origin, their influence of time and its
flow can be extremely damaging. Their technological advancements
not only allow them to cross the universal threshold,
but they can also visit any time they wish. Things they
do in the past, do not affect them, or their kind. However
even they must careful when changing the past because
they are static, they could actually mess themselves up
by even as much as changing an orbit of a planet.
NOTE: Although they do possess the ability to go through
time, change the universal threshold, their actual use
of time travel is limited only to that which is necessary.
The complex explanation of time travel are too extensive
to explain in the history, but will be reviewed in the
Technology Database, as this paragraph may be confusing
as to the nature of time travel and its effects on the
