How to Play

Revision as of 21:42, 17 October 2007 by Seccour (talk | contribs)
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Starting Out

Write an addition to the ongoing story which advances the story or gives insight about your character, or both. The evolving story is open round robin, so you may contribute when ever you want, and how much you want (though its generally a good idea to wait for others to contribute before moving the story along too much.) This addition is sent in to the server's via email at the list location on which you have been assigned.


To: [email protected]
From: player
Subject: Posting


Johntson ran up the corridor, his gauss pistol in hand. The Darkarian was around here somewhere. Honestly he was scared out his wits, but an order was an order. Unfortunately, the team of 12 marines behind him didn't calm his nerves. He knew the Darkarians were evil, powerful, and relentless. He had some experience with them, but usually always behind the safety line...

NRPG - Tag to the Marines

Lt. Johntson Marines USI Execuzatshack

The above example is an email sent to [email protected]. The email is called a post. The post is split up into several parts.

The first part is the RPG. This how readers know when the following are part of the story itself. The second is the NRPG. This is where you can specify tags. Tags are indications that you'd like a person to respond specifically to your post, or to help those who don't follow the flow of the story know if its their turn. The last is the Signature. This lets us know who is posting, or who the post is relevant for.

Handbooks for Gameplay : Cadet Handbook | Captains Handbook | Admirals Handbook